The theme must have a clear connection to European matters. It should be based on a perspective (historical or current) that relates to contemporary conditions in Europe.
Furthermore, it should address issues of broader European interest rather than issues relevant only to a single European country.
Currently, a discussion on the future of Europe is ongoing within the EU. Against this backdrop, CFE will give priority to proposals for seminars and other activities related to themes such as Agenda 2030 and beyond, the fight against climate change and other environmental challenges, economy and employment, social justice and equality, digital transformation and artificial intelligence, European values and democracy as well as the role of the EU in the world and European security.
Note that priority to these themes does not exclude other themes with a clear connection to European matters from being considered for funding.
The funding can be used for inviting guest lecturers to seminars, symposia etc. The application should contain a short presentation of the planned activity and a preliminary budget. Funding can cover costs for travelling and lodging for e.g. external lecturers as well as for meals in accordance with Lund University's regulations on travelling and representation (Dnr V 2017/921 and V 2019/782). Lecturing fees will not be reimbursed.
The CFE board has decided that:
- CFE should be informed in due time about the time and place for the seminar, as well as its more precise content so that it can be advertised through the Centre’s channels.
- In the information about the seminar and in the advertising of it, it shall be indicated that it is arranged with the support of CFE.
- A declaration of the costs incurred shall be provided showing that the funds granted have been used for the purposes stated in the application. The maximum amount founded is normally 50.000 SEK.
Applications should be through this form. The application deadline is November 16, 2022.
Decision about funding will be made by the CFE board on November 25 2022, and will be communicated shortly thereafter.
For more information please contact the Director of CFE, Jörgen Hettne (jorgen [dot] hettne [at] har [dot] lu [dot] se).